V-Care OTC swab

V-Care is a self-use swab, incorporating an acidity indicator coated tip. It is intended for use by women experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge (e.g. excessive, with an unusual color or unpleasant odor in comparison to usual discharge) or other symptoms such as itching, irritation or a burning sensation.
How to use:
While holding the handle, insert the V-Care OTC swab into the vagina. Rotate the swab several times and pull out. Observe the tip for color change or color stain. A Green or Blue stain indicates abnormal acidity, suggesting bacterial or Trichmonas infection. In such a case, consult your gynecologist or healthcare professional to obtain treatment. A Yellow color (no color change) suggests fungal infection, for which anti-fungal treatments are available OTC in pharmacies (over the counter, without prescription) that can be used for simple self treatment.

Advantage of using V-Care OTC swab

 • Prevents repeated visits to the doctors.
 • Avoids false visits ,saving time.
 • Can perform the test themselves without professional help.
 • Can start OTC treatment based on results.
 • Cost efficient , prevents false self treatments.
 • Prevents prolonged pain and discomfort associated with BV.

V-Care PRO swab

V-Care is a self-use swab, incorporating an acidity indicator coated tip. It is intended for use by women experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge (e.g. excessive, with an unusual color or unpleasant odor in comparison to usual discharge) or other symptoms such as itching, irritation or a burning sensation.
How to use:
While holding the handle, insert the V-Care PRO swab into the vagina. Rotate the swab several times and pull out. Observe the tip for color change or color stain. A Green or Blue stain indicates abnormal acidity infection. A Yellow color (no color change) suggests fungal infection.

Advantage of using V-Care PRO swab

 • Rapid ( 10 seconds) office test. Clear to read & interpret.
 • Saves the need to send discharge specimen for lab test.
 • Enables prescribing treatment during the first visit.
 • Cost efficient – immediate saving on laboratory and testing time.